Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Wholly Pristine

Th’ 40 degrees today said we’re not going away, 
so its get used to another hottie - or find a cooler 
place that doesn’t cost th’ equivalent in ice block 
technology; oddly I remember an ideology which 
proposed that you learn to live where you’re at

or go seek cooler climes - what on earth could a 
Queenslander see as a good incentive to agree 
to a move when none has integrity; t’ become a 
Southerner (Victorian) - prefrontal lobotomy has
to be performed as part of the orientation, NSW 

is th’ same, & Tasmania requires th’ whole brain 
t’ be removed in case there’s infectious material 
which will unbalance the egosystem they’ve set 
in place to keep ‘em all safe from foreign ideals; 
and the rest of Australia is even more violate 

So we’re stuck here mate; but th’ compensation 
rests quaintly in eskies filled with the Qld brew - 
you know the scene - & a few XXXXs ‘attached’ 
to the rainbow of reason stating the occasion is 
celebration for our nous staying wholly pristine 
© 13 January 2016, I. D. Carswell 

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