Whenever irreverent, unsettling post-midnight
delegations of phantoms disturb your dreams
we won’t be esteeming ably raucous, 2:30am
yapping, okay; - strong warnings they may be
but if something trampled your turf, go tacitly
and investigate - unless a backup is needed -
then impress us with tactical assessments; or
better still - snuggle down into covers, & then
press the cottonwool deeper; what we meant
is your diligence didn't guarantee a display of
doggedness was even pertinent and this was
so evident after conning me for morning-after
patrolling; yes, you sniffed and peed your way
courageously to th’ dam, but we saw no trails
So I congratulate you - it didn’t fail to make a
case for contract renewal negotiation - but in
a manner of speaking by impressing th’ local
canine coteries with such rhetoric, y’ suggest
mob-rule’s the only key you dogs can ken - &
we better get on the bandwagon - toute suite
© 27 June 2017, I. D. Carswell
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