The idea that change - especially when th’ plan
which began it voted yes for inconvenience - &
stayed out of Public purview, Yes, - I heard you
saying nothing new in that, what’d you expect?
well, maybe the truth - making th’ road a higher
speed freeway doesn’t actually ‘improve’ those
already existing indecencies which we’ve learnt
are our burden to bear and cop it sweet - its th’
controllers’ indiscrete manner of standing aloof
of any criticism that they’re the cause of angst -
well, who else can keep traffic ‘queued’ for that
length of time while a few layabouts twiddle th’
thumbs of what is supposed t’ be th’ machinery
essential to improving a new freeway surface at
the T Junction where the D’Aguilar Pub glances
askance at who’s passing thru but not stopping
for a beer - and yes again, we know we can get
home via th’ back route but why should we, we
bloody live here; th’ indecencies caused by thru
traffic not giving a damn as to whose problem it
is to join the flow - and if it slows they’re livid as
to why out in the Styx there’s a plethora of road
controller dickheads pissing into th’ breeze of a
orchestrated extravaganza of peak-flow idiocy
© 19 September 2017, I. D. Carswell
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